“Bud and Blossom” is a last-chance-for-love story that takes place in the garden of a widow named Madame. Her butler/gardener, Lewiston, has long carried a torch for her, but he is too stiff and proper to express his feelings for her. His latest hope is that his suggestion that she rent a party tent for her garden club meeting will make the meeting such a success that she will see him as more than just a servant.
Unfortunately, Lewiston’s plans are stymied by Bud, who talks a good game but is an idiot, Vlad, who is neither good at talking nor the least bit intelligent, and their partner Alina. These three are bakers who specialize in Russian pastries, but they have run afoul of an oligarch and are hiding out from the oligarch’s hit men. When the opportunity to impersonate the tent construction crew that Lewiston has hired comes their way, they seize it. Needless to say, Lewiston is furious at them for their ineptitude, but they, along with the help of Ignatovsky, a bumbling violin player who has been hired to entertain at the garden club meeting, eventually eventually succeed in helping him win Madame’s heart.